Monday 22 October 2018

Get your wardrobe WINTER ready

Hello Pom-Poms!

With Durga Pooja passed by and Diwali approaching, we Indians soon will go into a deep house cleaning mode. So,while we are at it why not incorporate few extra steps to bring out the all year hidden winter treasure off of tin trunks into our lives once again. Climate here otherwise is so hot that I wish to enjoy every coming second of these 3 months of coming winter (I am totally a winter person but my body is not, the season didn't arrive yet but my cold has😷).

get your wardrobe winter ready

It's really a sad affair that we don't enjoy fall as much as other countries because the weather here changes quite dramatically than slowly transitioning. What exactly is the point of writing this post, it is that we already are turning off our AC's and soon enough we will be hunting for shawls and blankets to keep us warm so why not prepare our wardrobes for the same. With these few steps, I am sure we are going to be:


Lets be assured that this cleaning/organising ordeal is going to take some time and for sure will tire you, if at all you are planning to do it in a day or two. Prepare the meal before hand, keep some tea ready and put on some wipes at disposal. Divide your chores, plan it with family for helping hands and if you are single who lives alone in a apartment or PG, then leave it all as it is(Just kidding) will as well be saved by the less amount of stuff you have and if not divide you chores between days.


Let's start with the basic one, first de-clutter your already existing wardrobe. Sort your outfits between categories at this point itself before keeping them back in.

Categories for already existing summer outfits:
  • To keep for layering in winter
  • Still to use for remaining days
  • To keep away for winter already or repair then keep away
  • To giveaway as you won't be wearing them again in next season
Preparing Winter Clothes-

My winter clothing is tucked away in a travel suitcase for last 8 months or so literally.I live in an apartment away from family hence the travel bag and not the tin trunk as many other Indian households so my clothes need some sunlight to get rid of that our favourite disinfectant's smell before going in that wardrobe. Keep in mind that the sun is not very harsh as it might fade away the colour, if that's the case keep your clothes in little shade if possible.

Prepare your Storage-

Now, when you are sorted with your thoughts for what to keep back in and what to toss or tuck away, clean up your storage unit properly with wipes and get going with your organising. I being a bachelor and living without family, prefer to keep things organised on not so festive days either ways so for me the cleansing part is short and simple.

What you never wore -
Before putting things in your closet, just think once what in it is that you never wore last season. If there are couple of items that you think will fit you nicely but you still prefer reaching for the one you wore thousand of times already then make sure to donate away the used one as it's high time now. If you can't make yourself do that than find the re-selling sites/apps like Elanic, Etashee or Coutloot, sell and make some money out of your non-wearable closet.

I have realised that accessories in winters are equally important to safeguard you from cold penetrating in. Give them their easy to access place in the closet, don't mind those scarves hanging and gloves sitting quietly. Make the most of them this winter.

Making Storage-

Winter clothing by logic is bulky and eats a lot of space in the closet, we all know that. So how to make most out of existing closet space? Space between my keeping area and the hanger is quite less so hardly ever I hang the clothes but what to do when winter jackets are around, stacking them up doesn't make sense so I hang them up neatly and keep the ledge empty. I keep my accessories like caps, socks or gloves in buckets or hang my scarfs on the hanger too. 

Make List-

While putting back your clothes, just make the list of necessary needed items so that on your next shopping spree, you are clear of what to buy rather than indulging into unplanned shopping.

With warm coffees and cold breeze winter is approaching slowly but hardly it stays, so embrace every moment of it. Be prepared with clothes and closet as you never will know when it is right upon us. The most awesome winter trip I had is to Patnitop, the details of which I have posted here . Just in case you wish to explore your vacation options or check out my travel story😇.

Comment below your favourite winter story or how you prepare your house for this season.

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