Saturday 3 August 2019

Get Festival Ready

We sure are entering the festival season, one day celebration at a time and there is much more fun and festivities to come. In this post I will be covering all the nitty gritty of making sure that we are festival ready.

Getting Festival Ready this season

My advise for this festival season is to plan things in advance so by the time festival comes, you are all set to have fun and worry about nothing else. I am organised in most part of my life but this, my trips are sorted but everything else regarding it is un-planned though to my belief it's never too late to start anything. Am I  right or am I right?

Get festival Ready for this season

So without blabbering much I will get right to the business and you make a little check list along this read:

1). Book your Tickets:

In India, with Diwali season right upon us it's hard to get tickets for any transport medium at this point of time and any sorted individual would have already made sure that they have their tickets booked and in place but still if you haven't then get going with it. If you are asking the question that 'Why do we need tickets?' then my friends you are out of the few lucky ones who live with their family and you need not to worry about this struggle.

2). Manage your TIME in advance:

With festivals, we all plan our leaves in advance so it's really important to finish our work beforehand so that we are not troubled with work related queries during the holidays. Be supportive towards your sub-ordinates and be considerate as they are planning their work in advance too. With finally entering the Pre-Diwali weekend list down your tasks to perform and make sure to finish them before leaving for the final off.

3). Manage Finances:

Festivals do make you spend quite a lot than usual days, so make sure to keep your finances in check. Plan a small budget of what you have to buy for the house and family, put aside some money for it in advance so that while things go over the budget you are aware of it. Happy is the man who takes care of finances in advance than to cry over it later.

Now when the calculative points are taken care of let's come to less heavier ones:

4). Cleaning, De-Cluttering and Re-Organising Spree:

Don't procrastinate the cleaning routine anymore because if you keep everything for the last moment than there will be lot on your plate to finish by the time festival arrives. Get going with your de-cluttering routine by the weekend prior to the occasion because for deep-cleaning it takes more than the estimated time and while you are at it, re-organise your house for which you were planning for long. If in case whitewash is long due, than there is no better time for some germ kill and clean air.

5). Get your Mind and Body pampered:

Festivals are time to recreate, enjoy and have fun...what's the point of it all if your body and mind is involved elsewhere or tensed. Book yourself a salon appointment and treat your body with some calming massage or cleanse. This one is really needed after all the organising and managing you have been doing around the work and house.

6). Get your Wardrobe prepped:

This one is a biggest selling point of any festival season, we get our best attires out of our closet or best buy the new ones. Get your festival outfits sorted beforehand so that by the time festival comes, you are all prepped up for some glammed or muted festival look. Plan your makeup along the way as festivals are time for some great camera shots and selfies, you got to look your best for them and have some quality family time together.

7). Prepare Snacks and Food:

Festivals are time to chill with family so don't get busy with the kitchen whole day long, plan and prepare items for snacks beforehand so that by the day Diwali comes you have some leisure time. All my good festival memories consist of getting ready, making Rangoli, doing pooja and then hogging on some great homemade meal. Meal on festivals take the most of time as it's a special one so think and organise prior to the festival of what you are going to prepare and offer.

8). Gift and Packing:

There is lot you do on Diwali, you give gifts to your loved ones and give something to your domestic help too. I have made a list of some awesome Gift Ideas in my previous post. Plan all this prior to the festival as it's for everyone, if you give gifts and money in advance to your domestic help then they also will have something to look forward to this Diwali season. Plan and pack gifts for your loved ones in advance too as things kept for the last moment will already be too many.

Getting festival ready this season

Most of my post previous and coming are mostly festival related because I slowly am gearing myself up for the festival of lights so why not impart some wisdom along the way. Wishing you all the blissful festival in advance and try staying away from the crackers(burn but few. Stay alert and safe during this season, keep an eye on kids during cracker burning and be thoughtful towards any living being, your enjoyment might be hurting someone.

Be considerate and enjoy a ton with your loved ones, comment below your best festival stories and share this idea around. Show some LOVE this Diwali 😃.

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